Surgical Procedures

Dr. Brog enjoys helping and treating patients through surgical options. He also works with other specialists in the area to take care of your surgical needs. He has trained and been certified in the procedures listed below and other such procedures. Come in and let Dr. Brog help you maintain the best vision possible.

Injuries to the Eye

Corneal abrasions, foreign bodies and lacerations are all injuries that Dr. Brog has been treating for years. Coming in and having these injuries treated as soon as possible helps reduce the risk of complications. Please call and let us know if we can help you.

Skin Tag Removal

Some lumps and bumps around the eye are cancerous, some are pre-cancerous and some are benign. Some of these lumps and bumps are a cosmetic concern. Dr. Brog has the latest tools to remove them and take care of you.

SLT (Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty)

SLT is quickly becoming a first-line choice for those that have been diagnosed with glaucoma. Medicated eye drops are also commonly used. Dr. Brog has been diagnosing and treating patients with glaucoma for many years, helping them maintain the best vision possible. Come in and talk with Dr. Brog to see if SLT is a good option for you.

YAG Capsulotomy

After cataract surgery, many people find that their vision is greatly improved. After months to years, they will notice a decline in their vision. Some of the symptoms of glare will return and they will struggle with certain tasks that did not bother them previously. The back capsule that surrounds the lens can start to haze. YAG capsulotomy is a short procedure that can restore your vision. Come in and consult with Dr. Brog to see if this procedure can restore your vision and improve your quality of life.